When you run a loan consulting business, it’s your job to help people make smart financial decisions. Once they hire you, you might be able to save them hundreds or thousands of dollars on their loans and prevent them from making unwise financial deals.
Of course, you have to convince prospective clients to hire you first! Fortunately, you can promote your loan consulting business using a few smart strategies.
Make a Clean, Attractive Website
No matter who your target audience is, you’ll need a stellar website to get people to consider and eventually spend money on your brand. To that end, you should take some time to make a great website or revamp it for greater search engine optimization/SEO.
A good website:
- Will have a clean and navigable interface
- Will have a clear contact page with multiple means of communication
- Will have a great landing page so your online ads direct your future clients to your site
- Will NOT have any broken links, clutter on pages, or slow load times
If needed, consider hiring a good developer to make sure your website feels great and operates smoothly before you start marketing for the upcoming season.
Get on Social Media
Social media marketing is a major part of any business’s advertising efforts in this day and age, and that’s doubly true for loan consulting businesses. When you run a loan consulting business, you’ll have close relationships with your clients.
You can foster those relationships and answer questions from prospective customers on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and more. So you should make profiles on each of these platforms and run social media ads for your business, particularly in the spring and fall when new businesses tend to launch.
Furthermore, be sure to spend some time on social media each day or to hire a social media manager. This way, you can answer questions and start forging social bonds with the people most likely to enlist your services.
Hand Out Brochures
Of course, odds are your loan consulting business will primarily draw clients from your local area, like your town or surrounding metro sprawl. Therefore, it certainly won’t hurt to do a little bit of in-person advertising in real life.
Rather than handing out plain business cards that are easy to be forgotten, consider using professional brochure templates to create attractive, well-designed brochures that draw the eye and spark the imagination. The right brochure can get people to visit your website or give you a call for help with their upcoming loan arrangements.
You can also place the brochures in businesses you partner with, like dental offices, groceries, and so on. You might even consider putting your brochures on the community boards of coffee shops!
Post Flyers Around Town
By the same token, posting physical flyers on lampposts and elsewhere around town can drive traffic to your business’s brick-and-mortar location and your online site. Flyers should be attractive, well-designed, and not have a ton of cluttering graphics.
If you don’t have a degree in graphic design, that’s all right. You can use a streamlined flyer maker to create top-tier, attractive posters for your loan consulting business.
Video Ads Online and on TV
If most of your clients come from your local area or nearby cities, consider making basic commercials for local TV channels. Your commercial doesn’t have to be all that fancy or technically complex; it can be to the point and basic and still get people to visit your retail office or give you a call.
Similarly, you can make a video ad and post it on YouTube. Then you can post that ad on your social media platforms or elsewhere online. Video ads are great because they are oftentimes more engaging and dynamic than static or still image ads, so they might even be more effective than your posters.
Attend Business Seminars
Last but not least, consider attending business seminars in your town or city to network and meet new people. Depending on the focus of your loan consulting business, your primary clients might be small business owners or startup entrepreneurs. These people often need help determining what loans are best for them or determining how to pay off current loans draining their finances.
Make yourself available and offer a bit of free advice to people who approach you. This will prove that you know what you’re talking about and could make them more amenable to a long-term partnership.
All in all, promoting your loan consulting business is a multifaceted challenge. Be sure to use each of these strategies in tandem with one another to see excellent results and to get people requesting meetings 24/7!