There are those who, as a child, wanted to become a superhero and those who, as an adult, want ‘super metabolism.’ In this article, we will give you a complete guide about how to increase metabolism? For many, it would be a dream to eat as much as they would like, even beyond satiety, and maybe in the meantime not to move too much during the day so as not to struggle. Some admit to being lazy, and those do not want to increase the universe’s entropy.
The best way to succeed in this purpose of life is to obtain what is commonly called fast metabolism, which is nothing more than a normal metabolism since the biochemistry is the same for everyone, but more effective. Can you increase metabolism and get to this? Don’t you have to start eating right and hit the gym to boost your metabolism?! But above all, is it possible to have a ‘super metabolism’? Or instead, fall back on becoming a superhero?
How to increase metabolism: Lose weight.
Suppose you have heard that carbohydrates make you fat and that they should be eliminated from the diet. Here you will understand how they are actually essential for losing weight.
Time to read two quick premises, and let’s move on:
- The UCP-2,3 uncoupling proteins are responsible for the increase in metabolism.
- Hormones can interact with DNA and decide whether to stimulate some genes and/or inhibit others.
Like hormones, macronutrients can modulate the gene response and activate and/or inhibit certain molecules’ formation. In the long term, fats deactivate the synthesis of UCP-2,3, while carbohydrates increase their synthesis. In practice, this means that …
Carbohydrates are the macronutrient that allows you to restart the metabolism and accelerate it! Furthermore, carbohydrates act on the deiodinase enzyme, which converts the thyroid hormone T4 (not very active) into T3 (very active). When the liver and muscle stores are full of glycogen, enzyme production is high, and thyroid hormones act on UCP proteins.
Can you speed up your resting metabolic rate to lose weight?
We do not hear of ‘slow’ metabolism and ‘fast’ metabolism in physiology, but metabolic efficiency (or inefficiency) is considered. Even if, at first glance, it may seem paradoxical, the idea of ’fast’ metabolism corresponds to metabolic inefficiency, while that of ‘slow’ correspond to metabolic efficiency.
The reason for this association is due to the concept of metabolic capacity, i.e., the body’s ability to perform work in short periods of time (40″ – 2′ ):
- Metabolic inefficiency = high metabolic capacity = high metabolism
- Metabolic efficiency = low metabolic capacity = low metabolism
In more practical terms, if you can do a lot of mechanical (muscular) work in short periods of time, it means that you have a large engine, which, however, has a cost: even when you stand still, you waste energy, which is nothing more than the conversion of calories into heat. On the other hand, those who are metabolically efficient have the engine idling at rest and do not dissipate energy. The inefficiency concept should now be clearer: you are inefficient because you “waste” energy and do not use it. So, the question you never thought you’d ask yourself is: “How do I become INefficient ?!”.
The factors that influence and are mainly responsible for the metabolic rate are:
- lean mass
- the concentration of glycolytic-oxidative enzymes
- mitochondrial density
- glycogen reserves
- The more these factors are present, the more the basal metabolic rate increases.
Therefore, increasing the metabolic rate and becoming inefficient is possible: to do this, nutrition and training are two important factors to consider.
How to increase metabolism
As you may have already rightly guessed, two great elements to direct your efforts to have ‘super metabolism’ are nutrition and training, which must act synergistically.
The man was once more active: he walked more, did manual work, walked an average of 10,000 steps a day. Habits that comforts and technological progress are abandoned precisely because they involve “more effort”: it is easier to take the car to go shopping or work rather than the bicycle and the lift instead of the stairs.
Try to take at least 7,000 – 10,000 steps a day: walking and being active helps keep your daily calorie expenditure at a level that is high enough not to gain weight.
Are you eating often?
The metabolism in the long run, which is what matters, is not influenced by the frequency of meals: just as fasting does not lower it, in the same way, eating more often does not raise it. If you are interested in the topic, in this video, you will find some more information.
With sport
Sport is a great way to raise your metabolism, for the reasons seen in a few paragraphs above. Do not forget that metabolic improvement will also benefit health, sports performance, and even physical appearance when combining exercise with a correct diet. Two or three workouts per week to start is enough to achieve improvement, whether it’s muscle toning, endurance exercises, or a combination of the two. In practice, the important thing is to start moving!
With the gym
In particular, for training in the gym, it is essential to change (in a meaningful way) the training program always to give new stimuli and carry out increasingly bulky and heavy workouts. If you always limit yourself to the same volume of work during the weeks, you cannot hope to increase calories without gaining weight: training and nutrition must always go hand in hand, also because thanks to the full glycogen stores you can better support your training.
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How to increase metabolism to the maximum with nutrition?
I discovered that you could increase your metabolism; you have to know how to make the most of them. If you start from a low-carb regime to a Mediterranean diet (in which carbohydrates are the predominant macronutrient), the transition must not be abrupt but gradual. Otherwise, the body can be ‘suffocated’ by the sudden massive presence of glucose: every week increases carbohydrates by 20-25 g, which corresponds to about 80-100 kcal. Hand in hand with the increase in carbohydrate intake, keep your body under control and monitor it by measuring circumferences or the skin test.
If you are not gaining weight, continue to increase carbohydrates the following week; otherwise, as soon as the fat mass begins to benefit from the caloric surplus more than the lean mass. Enter a 4-week low-calorie phase, and then start re-introducing 20- 25g of carbohydrates each week. Some subjects lose weight while increasing the weekly calories: there is nothing magical about this. Simply the metabolic block established by the intake of a few calories has disappeared. The weight loss mechanisms have resumed working, and the subject is still in deficit—energy (see: how to unblock metabolism ).
To have tangible results and build your food path with meaning, having a concrete goal is fundamental. Here you will find three; choose the one you are closest to:
- Base level: 4 g / kg of body weight of carbohydrates per day
- Intermediate level: 5-6 g / kg of carbohydrates per day
- Advanced level: +7 g / kg of carbohydrates per day
What to eat to boost metabolism
As you increase the carbohydrates, you will have to decrease the proteins in parallel if higher than 2 g / kg body weight. The latter will be essential during the definition phase because they protect the muscle from catabolism. However, keeping a chronically high protein quota is not advisable. To keep metabolism high, it is not possible to maintain high levels of carbohydrates and fats.
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If you are taking 0.8 g / kg (men) – 1g / kg (women), gradually decrease the altitude. In fact, lipid metabolism hinders carbohydrate metabolism. Those who follow the low-carb regime for years have a very bad affinity for glucose, and it is advisable to even reach up to 0.4-0.5 g / kg of fat per day. Because without so many lipids, it is easier to improve the uptake of glucose by the cells. Clearly, always gradually. Don’t worry about steroid hormones (which come from fat). Once your metabolism is up, you can increase the amount of fat.
Are there any supplements that can boost metabolism?
The only natural supplement that speeds up the metabolism is caffeine and similar products (alkaloids). However, the latest scientific research shows that the increase in the basal metabolic rate is around 1-3% and falls rapidly due to addiction. There are no natural supplements capable of speeding up the metabolism. As at most, caffeine has an anorectic effect (it takes away hunger) and helps to train better (it lowers the perception of fatigue and pain). Hence, legal products (supplements) do not directly lead to weight loss but, at the most, indirectly help to lose weight.
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How to increase metabolism at age 40, 45, and 50?
Age is known to influence metabolism: every 10 years. From the age of 20 to 70, the basal metabolic rate decreases by 1-2%. This decrease is attributed to the decrease in muscle mass, which physiologically decreases over the years, especially in sedentary individuals. Reason for which, basically, those who have more lean mass when young then have more even as an older adult than those who have spent their life as a sedentary. Since they start from a greater muscle base.
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The good news is that even in adulthood, you can increase your metabolism. The parameters that can be increased remain valid at any age and their effectiveness in both women and men. For example, if as sedentary, you start to change your habits and become more active one step at a time. You will certainly have a metabolic advantage: from the point of view of the movement, even starting with a walk every other day is a beginning. Maybe later, it will turn into a daily walk and later into a run.
How can you improve fat (lipid) metabolism?
Many are certainly still convinced that the more you struggle, and the more you sweat, the more you lose weight! A perfect formula to work hard and not get the desired results. In fact, it is absolutely not like that; on the contrary: it may seem paradoxical. But you consume more lipids … when you sleep! So by sleeping, you lose fat ?! A dream! Better to clarify: the more intense the physical activity, the more carbohydrates are available. The more the body tends to use glucose and glycogen as a source of energy. “Favorites” because the body does not think in watertight compartments and consumes either only lipids or only glucose. It exploits a mixture of the two, in which one faction or the other is preponderant depending on the condition.
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This does not mean that doing nothing and being sedentary makes you lose weight. Because lipid metabolism is more exploited and improves. Similarly, even running “in the lipolytic range” is not so useful for burning more fat. Even if during the race at that particular heart rate, they will be the most used substrate when you finish the race. The carbohydrate metabolism will prevail over that. Lipid. An interesting aspect of lipid metabolism is that the adipocytes themselves are a fat-burning furnace. It is not the classic white adipocyte accumulating fat, but its brother: the brown adipocyte, which contains fats and uses them by dispersing them in heat.
How to increase metabolism naturally?
In conclusion, eat the foods you prefer (obviously healthy), have as many meals as you want. Distribute the macronutrients as you feel best, do not be lazy and sedentary: in the end, increasing the metabolism is extremely simple. Follow a few instructions and take a step towards time.
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However, we must be committed and constant. Learn more about diet, weight loss, and body recomposition with our free guide to get you started on a solid foundation on which to deepen:
Sport and diet, the best metabolic activators
Playing sports is a good way to lose weight and boost your metabolism: increasing physical activity increases energy expenditure. It is also true that some disciplines, more than others help you lose weight faster as they are more effective in stimulating metabolism. They are, for example, running, cycling, spinning, cardio activities in general. But yoga and pilates are also suitable sports: the anaerobic work of these disciplines is perfect for activating the slow metabolism. Including the right foods in the diet, which help stimulate metabolism.
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However, the first step to understanding training methodologies. And understanding how to unblock the metabolism and get maximum performance is to know your body. For these reasons, an athlete needs to know how to increase the basal metabolic rate. Accelerating metabolism means burning more calories and increasing lean mass at the expense of fat.
How to increase the basal metabolic rate with a workout in the gym
Working on muscle tone helps to burn a lot of calories, both during the performance and after. You must know, in fact, that the metabolism increases when the body is under stress and remains high even after, for at least 12 hours, if the performance has been prolonged.
It would be optimal to work in the gym on two different approaches, starting with high-intensity exercises, increasing muscle mass and then continuing with aerobic exercises. Each workout should last at least 40 minutes, at least 3 or 4 times a week. By studying a workout tailored to you, a personal trainer can help you identify targeted strategies to lose weight with the right exercises and naturally speed up your metabolism.
6 tips to unblock your metabolism with training
So let’s see how to activate the metabolism in the gym by choosing the right exercises:
- Increase the number of repetitions by changing the weights to force the metabolism to burn more and more.
- Vary the type of training to ensure that the metabolism is forced to adapt to different stressful situations.
- Vary the hours in which you play sports to prevent the body from adapting to the training.
- Work on steady-paced physical exercise, avoiding prolonged breaks, especially if you do aerobic activity.
- Do cardio exercise to strengthen the heart and lose weight, even using machines such as exercise bikes or treadmills.
- Study the correct recovery times between one workout and the next to allow muscle cells to be broken while exercising to rebuild.