The temperature at which the olive oil goes through such crumbling creates a nonstop smoke outflow. In this article, we will give you a complete guide about olive oil smoke point. When an oil (just as all food fats) is exposed to a huge ascent in temperature. A cycle of decay of the fat into glycerol and unsaturated fats is enacted. Hence, the glycerol loses water and transforms into acrolein (acrylic aldehyde), an unstable substance with a sharp scent. Unsafe to the liver and aggravating to the gastric mucosa. It is in this manner critical to realize the smoke purpose of the oil. That is utilized day by day for cooking. And to painstakingly pick the most appropriate item for each sort of cooking.
olive oil smoke point
The smoke purpose of an oil predominantly relies upon. It is a substance of unstable substances (smells, free unsaturated fats, and so on). The more the oil is wealthy in polyunsaturated fats, the more it will, in general, deteriorate with high temperatures and delivery of unpredictable substances. In any case, there are different components. That impacts the smoke purpose of oil: the presence of water in the food.
In particular, olive oil’s smoke purpose is around 195 ° C/198 ° C. Being a monounsaturated fat, rich in oleic corrosive. It corrupts all the more gradually because of the impact of warmth. Our Traditional Olive Oil, which contains 30% of EVO, has a high substance of cancer prevention agents, notwithstanding the previously mentioned smoke point.
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The smoke point of oil
The smoke point of extra virgin olive oil is a particular phenomenon and occurs when the temperature reaches a level such that the fat contained in the food begins to melt. For this reason, it is important to resort to all the necessary suggestions on how to understand the smoke point of the oil, which is one of the most used foods in the kitchen both for the preparation of various recipes and for seasoning various dishes.
Therefore, cooking oil and the smoke point play a fundamental role during the preparation of dishes, since understanding this phenomenon in detail helps obtain correct food cooking. Not only that, knowing the highest smoke point of oil and various dietary fats is essential to avoid breathing harmful substances. Precisely, fats can be of various types, both vegetables and animals. When they reach the smoke point, they create fumes that can be toxic to humans as they contain toxic substances, including formaldehyde, acrolein, and polycyclic hydrocarbons.
Furthermore, the smoke point does not only concern the high temperature. But this process can also be given by other elements, particularly if the same oil is used several times for frying or if the water is preseThusason. The smoke point of oil for frying is a phenome based on several factors, and to fry correctly. It is good to avoid reusing the same oil. However, to eliminate water’s presence, it is important to make sure that foods like meat or fish are dry before immersing them in high-temperature oil.
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Choice of oil for frying
The ‘ cooking oil and the smoke point are thus two well relate to each other, to which we must take reasonably prudent steps to achieve perfect cooking and at the same time healthy. All that remains is to ask what is the best frying oil to get a good smoke point?
The first thing to do is determine which oil has the highest smoke point and choose the most suitable product.
Let’s see some smoke points of some oils and fats:
- Sunflower oil less than 130 ° C
- Soybean oil 130 ° C
- Corn oil 160 ° C
- Peanut oil 180 ° C
- Extra virgin olive oil 210 ° C
- Coconut oil 177 ° C
- Palm oil refined 240 ° C
Generally, when you have to fry food at home, it is advisable to use extra virgin olive oil, as it burns at 210 degrees and is characterized by a higher smoke point. However, it must be considered that other types of fats can be used instead of the various types of oil. In particular, animal fats, including clarified butter or lard, reach a higher smoking point, even if normal butter has a point of lower smoke, which corresponds to about 160 degrees due to the high amount of water.
These distinctions may vary depending on the case. In fact, from numerous researches, it has emerged that each fat’s smoke point can always occur at different temperatures. For this reason, to avoid causing excessive burning of the oil, especially during homemade frying, it is advisable to acquire a touch of familiarity during the preparation of the condiments taking into account your sense of smell and using a little caution.
olive oil smoke point of frying oils
The type of fatty acid mainly contained in the triglycerides plays a decisive role in the suitability of oil for frying and its ratio. In particular, the quantity of polyunsaturated fatty acids must be as low as possible, in favor of monounsaturated and saturated ones. Furthermore, the levels of antioxidants such as vitamin E, vitamin A, phenolic substances, etc., also positively affect the ” resistance ” of the oil to frying.
This determines, broadly speaking, the smoke point of the oil, i.e., the maximum temperature. That oil can reach before it starts to burn and decompose, creating the aforementioned toxic substances, visible as the release of dark and bluish smoke.
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Smoke point
What is meant by the term smoke point? If we subject oil to a marked rise in temperature, the oil is first hydrolyzed into glycerol and fatty acids due to its temperature. The degradation of the oil then occurs through the transformation of glycerol (with loss of water) into acrolein (acrylic aldehyde); this phenomenon is visible because acrolein * appears in the form of smoke that leaves the oil.
Acrolein formation is greater the more the oil is rich in unsaturated acids (more sensitive to heat) and determines the oil’s smoke point in question. Acrolein is irritating to the gastric mucosa and harmful to the liver. The administration of oils kept at the point of smoke for two hours causes easily detectable liver damage. Note how the acrolein formation process is two-stage; whatever factor inhibits the splitting of triglycerides into glycerol and fatty acids as the temperature increases, deldelaye second stage with the formation of acrolein.
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Clarification of butter
What complicates the matter is that the smoke point can vary for small details. For example, Italian butter, which has a considerable amount of water (it is in fact less caloric than oils), has a low smoke point (130 ° C). Because water facilitates the hydrolysis of fatty acids, which become free, French butter (which does not contain water) has a much higher smoke point (175 ° C) and can be used for frying.
If you use Italian butter, it can be clarified, eliminating the water. And raising its smoke point (which reaches up to 230 ° C and therefore can be used for frying). To clarify it, just put it in a saucepan and melt it in a bain-marie for about 15 minutes, without letting it boil. Agglomerates of white matter are formed (mostly casein), which must be eliminated by filtering everything with a tightly woven sieve.
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Smoke point depends on
Based on what has been said, it is vital to know the smoke point of the oil you will use. In fact, it is a serious mistake to choose an oil at random based on organoleptic considerations alone. The conversion formula is GC = 5/9 * (GF-32). For example, 113 ° F corresponds to 45 ° C).
The smoke point depends on the free fatty acid content. For example, with a content of 0.04%, it is 220 ° C. While with a content of 1%, it is 160 ° C. Since refining (as we can see, even the negative has points in its favor!) Eliminates a good part of the free fatty acids.
Furthermore, refined oils are considered to be of lower quality because they may contain refining residues. Always keep in mind the temperature at which you are working and the smoke point of the oil/fat used.
- For sweets and biscuits (usually, you work at temperatures around 180 ° C) better to use clarified butter.
- Frying at over 200 ° C with extra virgin olive oil is certainly not the best; better to use refined oils with a high smoke point (peanut, corn, etc.).
- Beware of cold-pressed (unrefined) sunflower oil, which has a shallow smoke point.
The Toxic Fumes: Olive oil smoke point
How to know, therefore, what is the smoke point of the various oils? According to the chemist and science writer Dario Bressanini, there are many ” completely meaningless ” tables online. Basically, what matters is the product’s stability, that is, its ability not to degrade. The oxidation – and consequent degradation – of the oil occurs by heating it to a certain temperature until it continuously produces smoke. “At this moment – explains the chemist on Facebook. And the higher the temperature, the faster the oxidation “.
Stability Of Oils
Having a different chemical composition explains Bressanini. Oils oxidize differently. Those rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. Such corn or soybean oils degrade more rapidly than those rich in monounsaturated fatty acids. Such as olive, hazelnut, or peanut oils, which are mainly composed of oleic acid. Even more stable are oils containing a lot of saturated fats “ such as palm oil or lard.
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olive oil smoke point: Refined Oil
Unfortunately, therefore, the olive oil smoke point of many oils can vary a lot. Even by 30 ° C, depending on the type and how it was purified. ” In general – he explains – the more refined an oil is, the higher its smoke point is. Because it contains only triglycerides without the impurities. Such as free fatty acids and more. Which begin to degrade even at temperatures lower than those of frying (170-180 ° C) “. Citing an example, Bressanini turns his attention to canola oil, a particular variety of rapeseed. A temperature is much higher than that of common frying.
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Percentage of acidity
The problem is that it is not possible to define a rule. “We often hear that extra virgin olive oil has a high smoke point. It clarifies the chemist, but this is absolutely not true. For this reason, it contains a small amount of free fatty acids and several other impurities. That can significantly lower the smoking point. Two oils produced in different areas and from different olive varieties can have very different acidity and smoke point.
If the acidity is low, the olive oil smoke point can exceed 190 ° C: sufficient for frying at not too high temperatures. If the acidity is high, the smoke point can drop below 180 ° C. And therefore make it unsuitable for frying. It is also technical nonsense – he comments under one of his posts – one strives to extract extra virgin olive oil. At temperatures below 27 degrees so as not to degrade it and alter its properties. And then whisk it at 180 ° C?”
Therefore, if we do not know the characteristics of the extra virgin olive oil we use. It will be impossible to know how it will behave in frying. ” Better a normal refined olive oil – concludes Bressanini -with a higher olive oil smoke point, perhaps added with a little extra virgin olive oil for those who love its flavor, and to add antioxidants that make it more stable to oxidation. Alternatively, you can use peanut oil, whose smoke point exceeds 210 ° C, or high oleic sunflower oil, with lots of oleic acids that resists high temperatures “.
How the smoke point changes
Some factors can dramatically change the olive oil smoke point:
- the mixture of different oils
- the presence of bacteria
- the presence of salt
- the duration of heating (the olive oil smoke point is lowered)
- the number of times the oil is used (the smoke point is lowered)
- oil conservation (oxygen, light, temperature, etc.)
- size and shape of the cooking pan (the smoke point drops if the frying pan is large)
- the presence of water (as in Italian butter; there is a lowering)
- the presence of mono and diglycerides (there is a lowering)
- the presence of free fatty acids (there is a lowering).
Why not overdo the fried foods in your diet?
Food professionals advise not to overdo it with fried foods, as:
- They determine the significant amount of fat remaining in the food, making it high in calories and poorly digestible.
- They decrease the concentration of active molecules, especially the thermolabile vitamins.
- So they increase the number of toxic residues due to thermal degradation, deriving from carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
- Regarding this last point, high temperatures alter the molecular structure of energy nutrients, inexorably producing toxic residues for the organism. Since the most abundant caloric nutrients in frying are the lipids of the matrix, cooking oil or fat is an essential factor in maintaining the healthiness of the recipe. The choice will have to move towards an oil with a high point of smoke (smoke point or the point of combustion or burning point), or at least higher than the frying temperature.
- These alterations are also evident on a visual analysis: an oil exposed to high temperatures takes on an increasingly dark color, producing foamy residues and increasing viscosity. From a chemical point of view, however, the most significant negative reactions are hydrolysis of triglycerides, oxidation and degradation of fatty acids and glycerol, and consequent maturation of toxic compounds such as trans chains, acrolein, formaldehyde, acrylamide, etc.